0Marketing, Communication and Fundraising
Chapter 5
The year 2023 was another challenging year, also when it came to marketing, communication and fundraising. We continued with some major projects that were started in 2022. Such as phase 2 of The Third Space and the Virtual Library Platform. In 2023 we also started with the implementation of the new corporate identity that was developed in 2022. In this chapter we outline some highlights in the field of marketing, communication and fundraising of 2023.
Marketing & Communication
Third Space
Kennemerwaard Library is developing a tool to support the youth program within The Third Space project. This tool is aimed at young people without a starting qualification in and near De Mare in the municipality of Alkmaar.
The Third Space is an initiative of eight libraries together with The Alignment House. Within this project, a hybrid service is being designed for all libraries in the Netherlands. A library of the future where physical and digital services flow smoothly together. This is achieved using a participatory design process. This is a way of designing not working for, but together with those involved and other stakeholders.
The following points of attention frequently emerged from the feedback session with young people: the demand for 21st-century skills, the need for social contacts and a strong focus on (working towards) work.
The Shack
In order to work on those skills and to subsequently visualize the acquired, it was decided to develop 'The Shack'. This is a digital tool with an online notice board where young people can choose activities and develop competencies, with a focus on 21st-century skills.
The idea of a digital notice board arose from the desire to improve communications during the weekly Wednesday evening activity, which focuses on creative activities and skills. An average of 25 young people attend these Wednesday evenings.
We requested a budget from Alignment House for the development of 'The Shack'. The subsidy was awarded and will be used to pay for the app. Young people are involved in its development. The implementation of 'The Shack' in 2024 is seen as a promising step forward for the youth program within The Third Space project of Kennemerwaard Library.
Virtual Library Platform
The new Kennemerwaard Library website went live in March 2023. The responses have been positive. This platform, also called the Virtual Branch, is intended for knowledge development where supply and demand are brought together and where content is created for and by residents. Together, the (currently five) participating libraries are further expanding the platform into the place to be for knowledge development and where everyone shares and learns. Soon everyone on the platform can continue to develop or relax 24/7. Several libraries have already shown their interest.

Summer Reading Campaign
The Summer Reading campaign was started at the end of June. The aim was to invite people to become members of the library by promoting a basic (monthly) subscription.
Attention was drawn to this campaign in the form of outdoor advertising (A0 posters along the road) and an online campaign (online advertisements aimed at young families/parents aged 26 to 55). Although the result of this campaign was disappointing, the number of members still increased in 2023 (see below). So the campaign may have made an indirect contribution..
Online campaigns
In addition to online membership recruitment campaigns, other campaigns were run this year to attract more visitors to the library. This year, as in previous years, the campaigns clearly contributed to the growth of visitor and membership numbers. The work and study tables were again well attended and compared to 2022 membership numbers increased by 4.5%. It is important for 2024 to continue this increase and to also pay structural attention to member retention.
Streaming service for libraries
In December 2022, NBD Biblion gave the final go-ahead for the further development of the Library streaming service. In 2023, Library streaming service was live from September 4 to November 30. This was a pilot phase to measure whether the streaming service would be successful. Kennemerwaard Library participated in this pilot together with seven other library organizations in the Netherlands. Members of participating libraries could watch two films of their choice, free of charge. The results were measured and afterwards, 70% of respondents indicated that they would like to take advantage of this offer in the future. In 2024, NBD Biblion will make the final necessary adjustments and launch the new streaming service.
Libraries Heerhugowaard and De Mare clearly visible
In 2023, the visibility of the libraries in Heerhugowaard and De Mare on the street will be increased by placing clearly visible logos on the outer walls. Particularly in De Mare, the library is now clearly visible from the shopping center.
Fundraising and sponsorship
With a lot of new and recurring projects every year, Kennemerwaard Library continuously responds to today's dynamic society.
Partly thanks to the collaboration with funds and sponsors, we can continue to develop and respond effectively to the issues facing different target groups. And welcome external financing ensures that we can carry out innovative and appropriate projects. An example of this is Rabo ClubSupport.
Rabo ClubSupport
On October 13, library employees received a check as part of the 2023 Rabo ClubSupport campaign. We are extremely happy with the amount of € 2,159.41 received. The amount was spent on the TECH-Lab workshops at the Heerhugowaard branch.