Participation & Self-reliance Program
Chapter 3
Within the Participation & Self-Reliance Program, we focus on everyone who could use some help to become more self-reliant in society.
Improving basic skills
Through consultation hours and various activities, we offer residents help with basic skills such as reading, writing, speaking, arithmetic and dealing with money, computers and the Internet. We also teach residents how to use the Digital Government, so that they can keep up in a society that is becoming increasingly digital. In addition to offering practical help, we also ensure that our activities have a social angle. This way we simultaneously contribute to combating loneliness.
We work together and actively go out to people
In order to tailor our activities as best as possible to our target group, we go to the people. This means we visit places where many people gather, such as supermarkets or warehouses, where you can find us with our cargo bike or we organize a drop-in for questions about the Digital Government to hear there and then what wishes and needs exist among the general public. We also respond to what is going on in society, because requests for help from our target group are often closely related to current developments. Such as, for example, the increase in requests for help in the digital field. To tailor our range of services to the target group, we develop projects and activities with collaboration partners in the social domain. This creates a wide range of projects and activities with the aim of making residents who could use the help more self-reliant.
A bird's eye view The highlights from the Participation & Self-reliance program in 2023
On the road with the cargo bike with the HAL language network
Kennemerwaard Library is part of the HAL language network. We meet up with various collaboration partners from the Alkmaar and Dijk en Waard regions to discuss how we can reach our target groups, how we can easily refer people to each other and how we can strengthen each other. In 2023, together we went out and about with the library's cargo bike a total of six times. By being present in busy places such as markets, supermarkets and thrift stores, we met local residents whom we informed about our activities and services. The key theme was finance. The Hal language network is a collaboration between Kennemerwaard Library, MEE & de Wering, VONK, Stichting MET, Wonen Plus Welzijn, Humanitas, Schuldhulpmaatjes, Stichting Lezen & Schrijven, Zaffier and policy officials from the municipalities of Dijk en Waard plus Alkmaar. All participating organizations were able to offer local residents something from their own range of services within that theme. Such as arithmetic and language education from VONK, help with debts from Schulhulpmaatjes, help managing your own budget/budgeting from Humanitas plus of course our Library and Digispots. It was precisely that combination that made going out and about together a great success.

Princess Laurentien visits Zaffier's Learning Square
On Wednesday, September 13, Princess Laurentien paid a working visit to the Learning Square of sheltered workshop Zaffier in Alkmaar. Learning Square is an initiative of Taalhuis of Kennemerwaard Library and Zaffier. Employees who do not have sufficient basic skills can improve their language, arithmetic and/or digital skills at the Learning Square during working hours. The princess's visit coincided with the Reading and Writing Week. A week to draw extra attention to reducing and preventing low literacy in the Netherlands. The princess spoke with various Zaffier employees about the Learning Square and what it means to them. 'My takeaway from this morning is that you (library and Zaffier) have made smart decisions to bring people together and enthusing them to learn,' Princess Laurentien said following her visit. The Learning Square also contributes to connecting people.'
Language Bingos
In 2023, Language Bingos, a linguistic variant of the well-known Bingo game, were organized in the municipality of Bergen and the municipality of Castricum. By listening to a story and checking words on the bingo card, participants in Language Bingo work with language in a playful way. In addition, the activity focuses on combating loneliness through the social gathering that Language Bingo entails. The Language Bingos were a success and show how meeting and language can come together beautifully in one activity.

Singing and DigiThings
again a well-attended weekly activity in 2023. During Singing and DigiThings, well-known Dutch songs are sung under the guidance of a library employee. There is a break halfway, after which it is the turn of DigiThings. This when all kinds of useful digital things are discussed. Ranging from 'how do you apply for a new driving license?' to 'how do you plan a trip with the NS app?' or how can you use the Internet safely?" Afterwards, there will be an opportunity to ask questions. During these meetings, singing and socializing are the most important elements for the participants. But the fact that they can also learn something about dealing with digital matters in a relaxed environment makes the activity extra valuable for the participants.
Municipality of Castricum
700 visitors
Municipality of Bergen
360 visitors
Participant of Singing and DigiThings:
'My children say “like this, easy", but that's all just too quick for me, Lonneke though explains everything very calmly, that's why I prefer to ask here'
DigiStronger for detainees in Heerhugowaard Penitentiary
Thanks to a great collaboration between the Penitentiary Institution (PI) in Heerhugowaard and Kennemerwaard Library, detainees have been receiving help with their questions about the Digital Government since the summer of the reporting year. A specially trained library employee visits the Penitentiary Institution each week to help detainees. We work with the DigiStronger program for detainees specially developed for this purpose. The first evaluation in the autumn was very positive for the library and the Penitentiary Institution, as well as for the participants.
'I'm happy that I can now manage my affairs myself thanks to the help from the DigiStronger course.
Young people make modular games through the Arts Learning Square
The Arts Learning Square is a project by Kennemerwaard Library and Artiance for young people who do not participate in working society, temporarily or otherwise. In 2023, they developed the Multiverse game. The young people attended a training program at the Artiance Art School and, by developing this game together, they work on their 21st century skills as well as their language skills. For example, they design the game figures using a 3D printer and communicate intensively about the design and the rules of the game. Creating such a game is a great success for both the library and Artiance. It's a success for the library, because this way young people not only gain digital skills, but also a lot of language skills. The latter because they describe the characters in the game and the rules of the game, during which mutual communication between the young people is very important. For Artiance, this is a very meaningful daytime activity that fits in perfectly with the programs offered.
Language Lessons for Ukrainians
Learning the Dutch language is an enormous challenge for many refugees who arrive in the Netherlands from other countries. After integration, they can, in principle, go to VONK for a language course, but that often takes a while because of the waiting list. To fill that gap, the library invites people from the VONK waiting list to participate in Practice Groups in the Alkmaar De Mare or Heerhugowaard branch in the meantime. Since 2022, we have welcomed many people from Ukraine to these Practice Groups.
In addition to the Practice Groups, the library also helps these people with a weekly language activity at the reception center itself. By going to where the Ukrainians live, we hope to lower the barrier for participating in language activities or asking questions about digital matters

Language activities Alkmaar
188 visitors
Language activities Dijk en Waard
620 visitors
This number is higher because it is an evening activity in Dijk en Waard and many Ukrainians work during the day
Exercise groups Alkmaar
Exercise groups Dijk en Waard
Questions about…? consultation hours
'Questions about...? consultation hours' is specially for residents who have problems with basic skills, which makes it difficult for them to participate in society. During these consultation hours you can ask all questions regarding language, arithmetic, digital skills and the Digital Government Information Center.
We aim to promote self-reliance through our way of helping. We offer people who need it the opportunity to take a course directly via, under our guidance. The consultation hours are held in our libraries, as well as in various community centers. Where possible, we organize the consultation hours together with our collaboration partners. Such as Formulierenpunt of MET Welzijn in the municipality of Dijk en Waard, an employee of MEE & de Wering in Alkmaar and the Social Team in Bergen. Most of the library's front office staff have now completed training to be able to answer questions about these topics. This means that residents who come with questions outside these consultation hours can be assisted properly as well and, if necessary, be referred. In 2023, in order to assist young people in this area as well, we started consultation hours in the field of Digital Government, specifically aimed at this target group. After a certain start-up period, during which the consultation hours gained in familiarity among the public, this part too started to run well.
Municipality of Alkmaar
Municipality of Bergen
Municipality of Castricum
Municipality of Dijk en Waard
Visitor Questions about...? consultation hours:
I will be back just before my holiday for advice on using mobile data abroad, because you assisted me so well last time.
DigiFitter and DigiStronger
There are more and more digital options available to monitor your own health and to arrange the necessary care. General practitioners and hospitals encourage patients to use patient portals, and healthcare providers use video consultations as a digital alternative to physical appointments. Yet there is still a large group of people who have difficulty keeping up with these developments. They lack the necessary digital skills required for this, while these are sometimes precisely the people who need care relatively more often. For example, the elderly and people whose health is generally poor. The library's DigiFitter course teaches people to deal with this in a safe way. A flyer has been developed together with GP organizations HONK, HKN and the North West Hospital to draw people's attention to this course. In 2023, we also attended an information market in the hall of North West Hospital to tell people more about the library's courses.
In addition to DigiFitter, the DigiStronger courses are now a permanent fixture in the program. In this course, people work in small groups to learn to use DigiD safely and practice logging into government and municipal websites. By taking this course, they will gain more confidence, which will ultimately make them undertake more in the digital field.
Visitors DigiFitter and DigiStronger
Municipality of Alkmaar
Municipality of Bergen
Municipality of Dijk en Waard
Municipality of Castricum
Participant of the DigiFitter course:
I can now log into the hospital and My GP using my DigiD. I've learned all that step by step. That really helps me a lot.