ABC Huis
Chapter 2
Since the administrative merger between Artiance Center for the Arts and Kennemerwaard Library, many efficiency gains have been made in the back office. This is thanks to the step-by-step harmonization of the various business processes. In terms of content, the collaboration currently mainly consists of separate projects in which the expertise of both organizations is combined. These projects already provide a positive picture of what a joint future can offer. Examples of this are Groots Alkmaar, Kunstmaatjes and Proeftuin ABC Huis. These are three appealing projects that show that bringing together the qualities from both organizations ensures a better and richer range of services.
Proeftuin ABC Huis in De Mare
150 years of Indian immigration festively commemorated
Early 2023, colleagues from the Alkmaar De Mare library met a group of Indian women who wanted to organize a commemoration of 150 years of Indian immigration in the Netherlands. As a library, we made our expertise available and supported the ladies and their Indian working group Pehchan in organizing the commemoration.
It was not only Hindus who boarded the boat in India to Suriname, there were Christians and Muslims too. That is why since 1947 the ethnic group in Suriname has often been referred to as Hindostani (and not Hindustani).
The initiators and their Pehchan working group wanted to put Indian culture and their past in the spotlight during this commemoration and create an opportunity where everyone could become acquainted with this culture. This resulted in a festive commemoration on Saturday, June 10, that was open to everyone. The occasion included delicious snacks, drinks, music, dance and stories that attracted a diverse audience. Mayor Anja Schouten joined in for a dance. There was a lot of media attention for this activity, which was of great importance to the I Indian community in Alkmaar, because of the appreciation of Indian culture and history.
Number of visitors
Children 0-12 years
Lecture by former NOS correspondent Tim de Wit
Every weekday morning from 11 am to noon, local residents can visit the Alkmaar De Mare library for a cup of coffee or tea and a chat, like a coffee morning. A permanent group of participants has now emerged who in turn extend a warm welcome to new visitors. Our colleagues in De Mare too regularly chat with visitors to hear what is going on in the lives of the local residents living near the branch. During these coffee mornings, the participants came up with the idea of organizing an activity with Tim de Wit, former NOS correspondent in the United Kingdom. This is in response to his recently published book Wankel Kingdom, about his experiences in the United Kingdom and Brexit. A lecture was organized together with the Alkmaar Bookstore Van der Meulen's. That turned out to be a fantastic sold-out evening, with everyone hanging on the speaker's every word and with plenty of opportunity to ask questions. The audience was diverse and ranged from regular library visitors to local residents who normally do not or hardly visit the library. We are proud of the way this idea came about and the way in which the library could play a role in this for the local residents of the neighborhoods.
Number of visitors
It was good to be out and about again in the evening and to attend this activity.
Art Route De Mare and Move the City
On September 16, the library in De Mare was part of the Art Route in Alkmaar. That same day, part of the Move the City festival took place here as well. A special theater performance was shown in the library, created by children from Alkmaar through the Artiance Center for the Arts. The performance took place throughout the library. Visitors were surprised wherever they went and pages from books fluttered down from the second floor!
At the same time, stop motion videos were made, people could spray graffiti or paint with artist Inez, who supervises a painting and drawing table every Tuesday afternoon in the library. In conclusion, there was a poet from the neighborhood who came to share his poems with the audience. It was a beautiful and busy day on which many visitors were able to become acquainted with various art disciplines, thereby putting the library in a completely different light.
Number of visitors
Workshop ABC Huis
Workshop ABC Huis is the workshop where LANGUAGE and TALENT come together.
On October 30 and 31 we started the first two pilot series of the Workshop in Overdie. One series consisted of four meetings in which a group of twelve to sixteen children aged 4 to 8 years met up in the library. At the Workshop we work on increasing vocabulary through fun and talent. This included working with art. In the library the children were told a story and listened to a song. The children then went to the community center to translate what they had heard and experienced into art, under the guidance of an Artiance teacher. While the children drew or worked with Ecoline, paint or clay, there was room for the library consultant to talk to the parents. These meetings focused on the importance of reading to increase vocabulary and the question of what parents can do themselves at home.
Dag & Dauw
Affordable cultural activities and meetings have been organized for several years now under the name of Dag & Dauw and can be attended by everyone aged 60 and over. The volunteers of the three neighborhood teams Oudorp, Alkmaar Centrum and Alkmaar De Mare organized a total of thirty Dag & Dauw meetings in 2023. These were held alternately in the Oever community center, Artiance, Alkmaar Centrum Library and the library in De Mare.
Each neighborhood team includes a coordinator from ABC Huis. These three coordinators met three times this year to coordinate the program and PR.
In 2023, Dag & Dauw again offered a wide variety of activities, such as lectures, painting and writing activities. As in previous years, all activities were well attended.
Groots Alkmaar TV
Groots Alkmaar is a TV program about culture, nature and history. Made by seniors, for the residents of the municipality of Alkmaar.
Every first day of the month, Groots Alkmaar releases a new broadcast that can not only be found on its own YouTube channel, but it also be viewed daily via Streeksstad Centraal. A total of twelve episodes were made in 2023, each with its own theme, plus a special about Alkmaar Relief 450 years. In addition to the various items that are recorded at many different locations, there is also 'the minute of', in which an Alkmaar resident can draw attention to a certain initiative. All kinds of organizations can also draw attention to their particular activities via the agenda tips. The editorial team, which consists of volunteer seniors, receives support from young professionals. Note that there is room for new editorial members, so that a varied and attractive program can be put together in 2024 as well.