Marketing, Communication, and Fundraising
Chapter 5
The year 2022 was a challenging year, also in areas of marketing, communication, and fundraising. Major projects such as phase 2 of The Third Space and the Virtual Library Platform were launched in 2022. The library’s house style was also further developed. A selection of the highlights in the areas of marketing, communication and fundraising is given in this section.
Marketing and communication
Third Space
The Kennemerwaard Public Library began work on the first phase of the Third Space project in 2021. After finalizing phase 1, the library, together with eight other libraries in the country, proceeded with phase 2, financially supported by PICA. In the project, The Third Space, libraries explore how they can improve their services making allowance for the needs of the various target groups. The aim here is to discover from which channels target groups retrieve their information: offline, online or both. Via a systematic approach that all participating libraries use, we gain experience that is then shared with the library network. The goal is to develop an effective work process.
In The Third Space project the library focuses on young people aged 14-27 years who do not have basic educational qualifications (also called Voortijdige School Verlaters (students who did not complete their education)). We decided to choose students in Alkmaar Noord, De Mare, and the Daalmeer in Kennemerwaard, and initially the library in De Mare is the place where we can reach out in person to this target group. We do not have enough contact with this young group and believe that they do not (yet) feel they are welcome. The project team, together with partners, has begun to find a way to increase our understanding of this group. First steps have been taken through desk and field research.
Dylan (member of the work group)
"We focus on young people without basic qualifications, and we want to help them develop further. We’re looking at how we can achieve this by making the library a place where they feel welcome, comfortable and that it is safe enough to be there."
Virtual Library Platform
The number of website visits took a slight drop for the first time in years in 2022. There was a 6% decrease compared to 2021. Nevertheless, there were more than 350,000 visitors on our website this year. The reason for the decrease is most likely the fact that there were very few developments carried out on the present website. The Kennemerwaard Public Library will convert to the Virtueel Bibliotheek Platform (Virtual Library Platform) that has been designed in partnership with a number of libraries in the Netherlands. This platform, also called the Virtuele Vestiging (Virtual Branch), aims to be a platform for knowledge development where request and demand are combined, and where content is created for and by residents. The participating libraries will build the platform together further as a source for knowledge development, where everyone shares and learns. Everyone will then be able to continue to develop or simply relax 24/7 on the platform.
A campaign to attract more people to the library was run concurrently with the online membership campaign from October to December. We not only focus our attention on the target group who want to come, work and study in the library, but also on residents who require help with digital issues or who want to make a print-out. The campaigns have clearly contributed to the increase in the number of users and members. The work and study desks were often busy and membership increased by 2.4% compared to a few years ago. It is important that this growth continues in 2023 as well as stabilizing member retention.
It continues to be important that visitors, who are not members, still feel they are a valued customer at the Kennemerwaard Public Library. In 2022 we took the first steps here by initiating the so-called CRM strategy, where many staff members, also those who do not work in the Marketing and Communication Department, are involved. CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is the way the Kennemerwaard Public Library manages the relationship and interaction with its members and potential members. Marketing automation (or the automation of messages to certain customer areas) plays a major role here. This explains why we took steps in the Marketing and Communication Department to improve this area in late 2022.
New House Style
The new house style was launched towards the end of 2022. It’s a house style that reflects a social library. A library is more than books and is buzzing with activities with a look and feel that deserves a comprehensive range of library services. The new house style and website will give every user better accessibility.

Streaming service for libraries
We were closely involved in research for a streaming service for libraries carried out by NBD Biblion last year because we have seen a strong decrease in the number of DVD loans and have not yet found a sustainable alternative. The results of the study were positive. In December NBD Biblion gave the definite start sign for further development of the streaming service.
Fundraising and sponsoring
The Kennemerwaard Public Library is required to turn to various external sponsors for innovative projects and a number of ongoing annual projects. The library was able to externally fundraise an amount of approximately € 682,471.00 in 2022. This is more than € 20,000.00 last year! We are extremely thankful for all the support, and we can now continue to implement some valuable projects.

Rabobank Club Support
On Thursday 13 October, library staff members received a cheque during the Rabo Clubsupport campaign 2022.
We were very pleased to receive the amount of € 1,806.92 and we will use this for games and educational materials at various library branches.

The Kennemerwaard Public Library had thirty Friends in 2022, and with their financial support, the implementation of special, social projects was made possible. The Friends financed the project Pakje Kunst for hospital staff in Alkmaar in 2022.
Pakje Kunst® is an initiative that puts local artists in the spotlight in an informal way within their own area. A Pakje Kunst®, a unique packaged artwork made by a local artist, is taken from an old automatic cigarette machine for four euros. In that small box is a work of art - from a painting to pottery, or photography to woodwork. Pakje Kunst Alkmaar wanted to support the healthcare workers in the hospital in Alkmaar and show their appreciation in these difficult times so we bought 500 Pakjes Kunst with funds from the Vriendenbudget and distributed them to medical staff at the hospital. We also supported the artists during a period when it was difficult for them to exhibit. They were unable to display their work during the coronavirus restrictions which limited their sales.