The Organization
Chapter 4
The key focus in 2022 was the further development of the partnership between Artiance and the Kennemerwaard Public Library, both in content and in support services. Efficiency gains were made especially in the areas of management, HR, and the financial administration. There was more consultation between the various programs of each organization. We continued to work on the implementation of a method to self-organize our work within the library. This involved various teams, each at their own pace. Together with the team at the Langedijk library we worked on the merger with the Kennemerwaard Public Library to begin on 1 January 2023. We now have three branches in the Dijk en Waard city council.
Sick leave
The percentage of sick leave at Artiance decreased slightly compared with the previous year as given below in the table. Sick leave at the library increased in comparison to 2021.
The Organization
ABC Huis
6.73 %
6.44 %
3.12 %
4.95 %
7.86 %
Sick leave and long-term employment require ongoing attention. In 2022 the occupational health and safety service was streamlined for all three organizations. In collaboration with the labor and organization specialist at the Works Council we were able to develop a pathway on Job Satisfaction within the Education program and run it as a pilot this year. The aim is to motivate wellbeing, increase resilience, and to prevent sick leave. As a follow-up, we offer a selection of training workshops on the theme resilience, which will be made available to all staff members at the ABC Huis.
Job Evaluation System
A job evaluation program was carried out within the entire ABC Huis organization in 2022, and a new national job evaluation system (Fuwa) has been developed for the public library (OB) and art education (KE) sectors. This meant that a function book had to be developed with generic functions for both sectors.
All existing roles in our job classification system were evaluated beforehand, together with a number of colleagues who work in the relevant positions. The functions were then categorized in the new job description handbook. All staff members received a letter with the final classification of their function in this handbook. The new book OB/KE was implemented in our organizations on 31 December 2022.
Volunteer contributions
As all activities recommenced again this year, there was an increased demand for volunteers.
Our pool of volunteers has now grown. The volunteers are enthusiastic and keen to offer their expertise to the visitors and staff at the library.
When the war began in the Ukraine in February, and the first refugees came to the Netherlands, the library began immediately to research what means of support could be given in relation to learning the language. Volunteers also played a major role here. They supported the refugees, in groups and individually. Sometimes it was in conversation so that vocabulary could be increased, but at other times by helping with grammar and writing the language.
The volunteers also assisted staff at the library and provided support for the daily routine activities. With their help the library can continue to develop into a social library where more people begin to feel they belong.
Supervisory Board ABC Huis (Artiance en Kennemerwaard Public Library) Members of the Supervisory Board in 2022 were:
- Dhr. J. Oost, Chairman, resigned mid March
- Dhr. E. Barendrecht Member, Chairman from March to 1 November
- Mevr. N. de Leur, Chairman as of 1 November
- Mevr. L. Oskamp, Member
- Dhr. K. Res, Member
- Mevr. L. Danenberg, Member
- Mw. W. Sint, Member
- Mevr. C. Oldenburg, Trainee
Management ABC Huis (Artiance and the Kennemerwaard Public Library) The management of the Kennemerwaard Public Library in 2022 were:
- Mevr. E. Winters, Director/Manager
- Mevr. H. Idema, Organization Director
- Dhr. J. Kaldenbach, Organization Director
- Mevr. P. van der Mark, Organization Director
- Mevr. H. Vries, Organization Director
- Mevr. I Stokx, Human Resource Advisor
- Mevr. S. Jaarsma, Human Resource Advisor
- Mevr. M. Boonkamp, Controller
- Mevr. J. Kreuk, Program Director Education
- Mevr. L. Logtenberg, Program Director Development and Fulfilment
- Mevr. N. van der Ark, Program Director Participation and Self-Dependence
Works Council ABC Huis (Artiance and the Kennemerwaard Public Library)
It was a turbulent year for the Works Council, both in relation to staffing and composition. Due to absentee leave of one of the members, and the resignation of another member, the formation of the Works Council for 2022 was as follows:
- Mariken Gimbrére
- Sanneke van der Meer, Works Council Member and Chairman (resigned April 2022)
- Hanneke Hoffmann, Work Council Member and Interim Chairman as of April
- Annemarie Kraaier, Secretary
- Ria de Ridder
- Mieke Vis
- Wim Vlaar
- Maja Veldt-Poklepovic, Works Council Member as of April
In November, the elections were called for the group of electives at Artiance due to Ria de Ridder’s approaching retirement. Britt Caarels was elected as a new member of the Works Council. She begins her role in March 2023.
Meetings The Works Council gathered six times in 2022. There were also six meetings with the Director. Delegates from the Works Council were in financial consultation with the controller four times last year, and there were two discussions with the Supervisory Board, as well as a meeting with the audit committee in relation to certification of the Kennemerwaard Public Library.
The Works Council approved the following in 2022:
- The decision made by the occupational health and safety service for Artiance and the ABC Huis,
- The postponement of the implementation of the annual hours system for the Kennemerwaard Public Library,
- The procedure regarding the Fuwa, and
- The anticipated merger between the Langedijk Library and the Kennemerwaard Public Library.
Furthermore, the Works Council also gave advice on the generic functions within the Fuwa. The Works Council indicated that caution to be taken here in relation to a significant gap between the higher functions and the remaining positions.
Attention was also given to:
- the anxiety library staff experience due to the further development and self-organization,
- the long-term policy plan,
- the improvement of internal communication, and
- the potential legal merger between Artiance and the library.
The Works Council was able to seek advice from, and meet with, Annegret Sterken at KGCA (partner representative), and attended a two-day training with her in April so that the partnership and the goals of the Works Council could be examined.
Jan | Organization Director
"Working together with colleagues, volunteers, partners, and residents. Contributions to the development of the library as an important and vital social institution. For me, they are the most important motives for working in this great and ever-changing organization. For always!"