In brief
Chapter 1
News in brief on the general and local developments within the Kennemerwaard Public Library in 2022.
General news in brief
We were still very preoccupied with corona in the early months of last year. The opening hours were gradually increased from March onwards, and restrictions were lifted one by one. Overall, the corona period had a considerable effect on the use of the library. It was only during 2022 that the number of visitors grew. People remained longer in the library and the number of participants in the activities rose again. The workload also increased last year. This was not only caused by corona related problems but was also due to long-term illness and vacant positions.
Local news in brief
Council member meetings
The library organized an information evening in the Dijk en Waard municipality for the council members in this recently merged council. The aim was to provide background information on the possibilities we saw for library services resulting from the merger with the Langedijk library as of 1 January 2023. It was information that included an explanation on why extra structural subsidy had been requested. The library sought additional funds so that Langedijk’s core services could be consistent with those in Heerhugowaard. The information was received favorably and the Dijk en Waard council agreed to provide extra subsidy for the request.
In the run up to the council elections, all political parties in the Alkmaar council were invited to attend a presentation on the plans for the ABC Huis/Stedelijk Museum Alkmaar building on Canadaplein. Both organizations want the building to be more than just an eye-catcher for people who visit the city. The design by the architectural firm Mecanoo was a discussion topic in the cultural meeting with council members organized by Stichting Uit in Alkmaar. All in all, everyone reacted positively to the plan.

Sylvia van den Berge
It sounds promising and looks great!
The library also organized a meeting with council members in Bergen and Castricum, together with other cultural organizations. The council members present were asked during these meetings to give their views on culture in general, and particularly on the benefits of a library.

Council members visit PrutsHub in Heerhugowaard library
The library and Artiance (the ABC Huis) were both subjected to an audit from the Certificeringsorganisatie Bibliotheek, Cultuur en Taal (CBCT) last year: An independent organization that monitors the quality and the sustainability of library and cultural organizations. The certification was approved although our new organization still needs to complete some steps. The auditors were confident that the necessary steps would in fact be carried out. The Taalhuis was also audited in late 2022 and once again the organization received a positive evalutation. Although the organization continues to develop, the fact that we have passed both audits is certainly a compliment to all staff members.
Books on Bath enrich collection
Alkmaar has had a strong association with the city of Bath for over 75 years. It’s a bond that began during World War II. A Jewish refugee from Alkmaar found a haven in Bath and began to gather supplies for the people in Alkmaar stricken by the Dutch famine. The Uitwisselings Comité Alkmaar gifted the library a small collection of books on Bath in October, the goal to further strengthen the special bond with this beautiful historic town in English Somerset.

Visit from member Rosan Kocken
Rosan Kocken, member of the board of the Provincial Executive visited the library on 1 September. The aim was to learn about the library services and the support the Kennemerwaard Public Library receives from ProBiblio. The member was also interested in the advantages of a combined institution such as the ABC Huis, and the way it fulfils social responsibilities in the city and region. Reading Campaign
OBD NoordWest, the ABC Huis, Klaarr and the Kennemerwaard Public Library joined forces during corona aimed at promoting education to focus more on the pleasure of reading. This occurred during an online Talkshow organized on 17 March. It proved to be a hybrid gathering as the corona restrictions had since then eased. There were approximately 250 viewers, which was a good result for the first edition.

''Fun and also informative!’''
''Lively discussions where various organizations and schools met 🙂.'' ''Watched online and found the content well prepared; interesting and viewed from different angles.''
Study excursion Finland
Our director Erna Winters visited several impressive libraries in the Finnish cities of Helsinki and Espoo together with members of the board for libraries in North Holland. The library services in Finland are highly rated. Our director was surprised how materials were provided to residents, for example, to make 3D prints or to make music or clothing themselves in Oodi, the new central library in Helsinki. It gave inspiration for the renovation plans for the Alkmaar Centrum branch.
Proud of our staff
We are proud of all the staff members who make it possible to provide library services. A special mention goes to our information consultant, Yvonne Lacet, who made the illustrations for Films die nergens draaien. A book about a girl who loses her mother on the day she is born.
Emma Eigenraam, our consultant at the Library at School, was on the Griffel jury this year. As a member on this panel, she helped to decide who received the zilveren griffels for 2022.
News in brief from the branches
Alkmaar Centrum
We found a new operator for the reading café in the Alkmaar Centrum library last year. His name is Hakan Seven. The café was redecorated. There was an enormous increase in the number of customers due to Kafe Kaft’s new design and the friendly and welcoming host. More and more people come to the reading café to study, work or to read.
There was also considerable interest in the activities provided by the Groene Loper. The Groene Loper is a project initiated by Europe Direct for North Holland and is in the Alkmaar Centrum library branch. The project is a product of the Green Deal from the European Union and is comprised of activities that makes the theme on sustainability simpler, more practical, and more fun. We notice that there is a growing community of residents who want to live in a sustainable way and who went to the library last year for either a second-hand clothing market, a repair café and/or a toy swap. (See more in the Development & Fulfilment Program)

Alkmaar De Mare
The pilot of the Proeftuin began in De Mare in partnership with Artiance in September. The goal here is to make the public library a center for the immediate area, and that is why activities are being organized by, with, and for the community there. Young and old now come to the branch in De Mare for projects like Warme Kamers and JobFlow. The Warme Kamers is originally a Leger des Heils (The Salvation Army) initiative which can now be found in the Kennemerwaard Public Library branches. People are made welcome here for warm shelter, tea or coffee, and to meet fellow community members; but also, to (re) familiarize themselves with all the information and activities the library has to offer.
Alkmaar Oudorp
The Alkmaar Oudorp branch remained open every day last year thanks to several dedicated volunteers who worked the different day shifts. While the branch in Oudorp is small, it still allows community members to get together, and the schools in the area also visit the branch.

Many people also returned to the Castricum branch after the corona period. There were days when activities were offered simultaneously. On one side of the library toddlers and their carers attended the BiebStart activity, and on the other side newcomers practiced their language skills or asked questions related to digitalization. Although the branch is not large, everyone was able to find a space at this friendly location.
The branch in Akersloot was renovated in 2022. An area of the library was sectioned off to the Historische Vereniging Akersloot (HVOA) (Historical Association Akersloot). This space is however also available for other activities, should the need arise in Akersloot. The library and the Historische Vereniging will work closer to prepare an interesting program for 2023. A significant contribution with more information on this area will result from the teamwork.
There was a successful open house after the renovations had been completed where residents were shown the new design and could experience the different areas together.

During the year 2022 hard work went into preparations for the merger of the Langedijk library with the Kennemerwaard Public Library per 1 January 2023. As the Langedijk and Heerhugowaard councils had already merged, it was a logical decision to also merge both library foundations so that the quality and continuity of library services in Dijk en Waard could be assured for all residents. The city council supported this with an extra contribution and subsidy increase. We are now able to professionalize the branch in Langedijk further, especially in relation to educational support and prevention (of limitations that threaten an individual's growth, well-being, and self-dependence) in the social domain.